Monday, June 28, 2010

"I play soccer myself"

You have know idea what a big deal that statement is "I play soccer myself".  See we decided to start Will in a little 3-5 year old soccer league. He hasn't started school yet but we thought it would be good for him and he would enjoy a new activity.  Well we show up the first time and there are lots of tears - poor guy that big field and a coach and lots of little ones running around playing a game I have never bothered to introduce to him was a little too chaotic for him.  For the next three weeks we continued to go and there was usually some tears and resulted in either Den or I holding his hand and running around the field doing all the drills and playing the soccer game.  (I feel bad cause I mowed down a couple of 3 year olds while Will and I were hand in hand playing the game one week).  By week 4 he told us "I want play soccer myself"- and he actually began to do the drills without holding our hand but us nearby (like 2 feet away) cheering him on. Hand in hand still at the games but by week 5 he played everything by himself- the drills and the game.  I cannot tell you how PROUD I was of him! And it made him feel so good about himself that he had conquered that fear. Oh my heart melted when we said confidently "I play soccer myself".  Now he doesn't quite understand the sense of urgency in the game of soccer- he is content to just run around wave at us and run over for hugs... but that's ok I like it and truthfully I'm not ready for him to be too independent yet. Here are some pics taken post week 5 :) The season is over and he is already anticipating the start of the next season. :)

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