Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Our Little Patient

Sadly this is an image we have seen a lot over the last month. This is Will in the hospital - he is sitting with Dennis watching a Baby Einstein (totally a lifesaver in the hospital) while he gets his antibiotic. Let me just say - tethering a one year old to an IV pole is a little challenging (big understatement). During our first hospitalization he had to keep his IV in 24/7- I had to keep unwrapping him at night while he "slept" (there was not much sleeping done by any of us). But I should also say I am thankful for the care he received. Living internationally we can worry about medical care- but it was great.

I didn't take many pictures- I wasn't sure if this was something I should document but I did snap this picture- he looked so cute in his hospital pjs.

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